Monday 1 October 2007


Hey everyone and welcome to the blog!

This is my first blog so im guessing it's gonna be short and sweet, just gonna give you all an update on what i've done so far.

So anyway, at the moment i've been warming up with 3DS Max by making some fruit, i've saved off a picture of it for some reason, but least you can see ive done something!

I think i'm going to have to do some tutorials or something as practise before even thinking of starting this assignment! But from the non-Max side of things i'm thinking off doing the idents for the Kerrang music channel, mainly cause the one they use at the moment is boring and old!

I'm thinking of using their 'K' logo as the main focus, but what it does is still a mystery at the moment! I'll get back to you on that!

Anywayz, thats it, laters



Jo Bowman said...

Welcome aboard Steven, the Kerrang idea is an interesting one - please do some research and post it in your blog.

Jo Bowman said...

Check out