Wednesday 12 December 2007

All Done!

Well all my works done now and im glad its over with for now! I don't mean that in a bad way though, as i'm not so worried about the next project now.

It was a good project and im glad it went so well, although there was alot i'd do better/different if we were given this again!

Anyway, hope you like it all when it's handed in!

Saturday 1 December 2007


Heres my first Indent with no sound, took ages to make the objects, few hours to animate and do the lighting, fog etc....

Oh and the rendering took about 12 hours! Hope its worth all that for 11 seconds!


Sorry it took so long but i finally have my storyboards ready! Just been waiting to scan them really!

My first initial ideas, just rough sketches to get an idea of what the 'K' would look like.

My first storyboard showing the 'K' picking up the guitar and then playing it. The Kerrang banner drops down in the background at the end.

The second storyboard, it shows the 'K' with the lights off, then they switch on, the 'K' plays guitar then throws it on the floor. Then the sign falls down while the camera pans.

Saturday 24 November 2007

Reactor Tests

Below is a couple of goes at using reactor the i've done in max, i'm just trying to experiment a bit to see how it works.

This video shows my first attempt at Reactor, I used an online tutorial as a walkthrough and this is what i got!

This second attempt was to show an idea for one of my idents, the box on top being the banner for Kerrang. Instead of the ball knocking the boxes i will use the K.

Friday 19 October 2007

Mood Board

Right, here is my mood board!

It's a montage of what i think Kerrang stands for, at the very least it's what i thought when i sat down and done this! It's got new and old covers, some of their own bits, some live bands, guitars and a fan. If i find any more images i think go with this i'll post them up!

Thursday 11 October 2007


Before i start with this one i just want you to know this is 2 weeks worth in one blog, cause i missed the first one i guess this i the best chance to catch up!

First on the agenda, was the research into general indents of TV shows, the only way i honestly researched this was using as it was the best source for seeing a vast amount of indents. I looked into E4, BBC3 and also BBC. A few links for these are below:

Channel 4 The Simpsons
Channel 4 Tokyo
BBC indents until 7th october 06
BBC new indent montage
BBC2 indents

I know theres a few there, but i just wanted you to know what i've looked at! I also looked at E4 as i mentioned, which are very cleverly done.

After doing this i looked into Kerrang slightly more, trying to find out as much as i could on them by using the internet. I found some images that show the Kerrang logo and i also found an image of one of their adverts. I also took a screenshot of the website to help get an idea of their overall image. The images are posted below:

Kerrang Logo

Kerrang TV advert

Screenshot of Kerrang TV website
I also found a video of an advert from Kerrang TV posted on which displays their current image for the adverts.
Kerrang Comp Advert:
From all of this research i have made a few observations of what they use in their advertising:
Sounds: Ace of Spades by Motorhead & also a distorted guitar is used that plays a kerrang theme music.
Colours: Yellow & Black
Images: For the images they use video footage, and then they add different objects to them (e.g in the images above they add panda heads to the cheerleaders). They also use different objects like mouths for titles and changing backgrounds, like in the video in the link.
Text: The main text is always very distorted, but still easily readable. The Kerrang logo is always on their adverts.
I'm going to go do some rough designs based on all of this now while im in design mode. Hope this is all good, any suggestions just let me know!

Monday 1 October 2007


Hey everyone and welcome to the blog!

This is my first blog so im guessing it's gonna be short and sweet, just gonna give you all an update on what i've done so far.

So anyway, at the moment i've been warming up with 3DS Max by making some fruit, i've saved off a picture of it for some reason, but least you can see ive done something!

I think i'm going to have to do some tutorials or something as practise before even thinking of starting this assignment! But from the non-Max side of things i'm thinking off doing the idents for the Kerrang music channel, mainly cause the one they use at the moment is boring and old!

I'm thinking of using their 'K' logo as the main focus, but what it does is still a mystery at the moment! I'll get back to you on that!

Anywayz, thats it, laters
